What is VIP?

Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) provide undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in course-based, multiyear, multidisciplinary, team-based projects under the guidance of faculty and graduate students. These projects are in the faculty areas of expertise, with the main criterion for participation being that of mutual interest.

Undergraduate students earn course credits (depending on major) for working on specific research projects with a team of other undergraduate students that is mentored by graduate students in the faculty member’s research lab. VIP courses have a combination of discipline-specific and professional learning outcomes that lead to self-sufficiency, innovative thought, team ethos, project management, and leadership skills. This is a valuable team-based learning experience on cutting-edge topics that benefits students who want to enter the workforce or go to graduate school.

VIP teams always welcome enthusiastic students who want to learn and do new things. Interested students are strongly encouraged to contact the team advisers of all the teams they are interested in. This may be done either through the e-mail provided on the VIP team page or through the VIP Interest Form, where students can describe why they are interested in joining a particular team.

Remember: Teams have the right to choose you but you also have the right to choose the team! Do your research, review all teams listed, talk to your academic and faculty adviser to see how this would fit into your curriculum and join the ranks of VIP students who learn through discovery.